Sunday 1 April 2012

Easter Sweet Treats Without The Guilt

The Easter bunny doesn't have to make you fat this year if you pick the right sweets to indulge. There are so many options these days at your local supermarket or  corner store and the marketing that accompanies these Easter timed treats can be memorizing. Most people often think that it only comes around once a year so they'll treat themselves, but these cravings and easily try into binges. You can find ways to get around this by being aware of what the contents of the product is and reading the nutritional label.

Your Best Options

Gum Based Products -Gum based Easter treats are great because they are low in calories (5-10 cals) and last you for a prolonged period of time which will stop you from continually dipping your hand back in the bag for more.

Dark Chocolate -Dark chocolate is great and the higher the percentage of cocoa the better. You'll be able to find dark chocolate bars with 90% pure cocoa and this will fill that craving for chocolate. Tons of health benefits come along with pure cocoa so it's one of those things that you can win with in selecting this option.

Make your own treats -When you make your own treats you know exactly whats going into it and you can use healthier options or substitute products (Example Splenda over Sugar) to sweeten the treats. Jello products are great because they are low in calories and have volume.      

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